Time To Talk Day -Talking Tips

Let’s Talk About Mental Health.

Time to Talk Day is about us all being open to the idea of talking – we all have mental health, and by having conversations about it we can help ourselves and others. It’s not about encouraging people to talk about a mental health problem if they don’t want to.

Running an event in your community, sharing articles or videos, hosting a lunch and learn session at work, or asking others how they’re doing are simple ways to start conversations about mental health and show the people in your life you’re prepared to talk and listen without judgment.

If someone does open up about their mental health, we know it might not always feel easy to know what to say. But it doesn’t have to be awkward, and being there for someone can make a big difference.

  1. Ask questions and listen

    Asking questions can give the person space to express how they’re feeling and what they’re going through, and it will help you to understand their experience better. Try to ask questions that are open and not leading or judgmental, like “how does that affect you?” or “what does it feel like?”

  2. Think about the time and place

    Sometimes it’s easier to talk side by side rather than face to face. So, if you do talk in person, you might want to chat while you are doing something else. You could start a conversation when you’re walking, cooking or stuck in traffic. However, don’t let the search for the perfect place put you off!

  3. Don't try and fix it

    It can be hard to see someone you care about having a difficult time but try to resist the urge to offer quick fixes to what they’re going through. Learning to manage or recover from a mental health problem can be a long journey, and they’ve likely already considered lots of different tools and strategies. Just talking can be really powerful, so unless they’ve asked for advice directly, it might be best just to listen.

  4. Treat them the same

    When someone has a mental health problem, they’re still the same person as they were before. And that means when a friend or loved one opens up about mental health, they don’t want to be treated any differently. If you want to support them, keep it simple. Do the things you’d normally do.

  5. Be patient

    No matter how hard you try, some people might not be ready to talk about what they’re going through. That’s ok – the fact that you’ve tried to talk to them about it may make it easier for them to open up another time.

If you or someone you know has been struggling with mental health and wellbeing, you are not alone.
Request a free call back from our Somewhere To Turn service for a initial chat about how we can help you, or take a look at our self-referral form that will allow you to access our counselling services without a GP referral.

We also offer a wide range of Mental Health Training for those looking to learn more about mental health.

How you can help:

Why not consider becoming a volunteer or fundraising for our charity? You could also give a one-off donation online or by text to help celebrate World Mental Health Day.

You can also help raise mental health awareness and fight to reduce the stigma and inequality surrounding mental health by following us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn or sign up to our newsletter.

Donate online now

Text SMIND to 70085 to donate £5 to help fund our vital local services
About our charity:

At South East and Central Essex Mind, we provide:

  • Supported housing facilities for those recovering from a mental health crisis

  • Counselling services for adults, both in-person and virtual

  • Specialist counselling for young people and children from age 5+,

  • Mental health training for individuals, schools, businesses and the wider community

  • Signposting and peer support services for those looking for local mental health information and guidance

We rely entirely on donations and fundraising to keep our mental health services open. Every donation goes directly to our charity and helps us continue our work and every act of kindness makes a difference. Thank you!


5 ways to start a conversation about mental health


Match For Mind